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hey yall, um, im just gonna post nerd shit on here Neocities.

the worlds a big crazy place, i also dont know how to code and i dont know if i ever will learn but ill just change what this text bit says if i remember idk im just a bit bored.

you guys wanna know about my faveorite movie? ok here you go:

ok so theres this movie with a this guy and this guy is totally dranged like crazy hes insane he breaks into peoples shops at night and he prentends to work there and ia an absoloute menace to everyone else. he litterly dragged in this homeless dude and he ripped of the homeless dudes shirt and started washing it and the entire time the homless dude i lie gimme my shirt back, then the homless dude litterly pays him to give the shirt back. another time he was in a barbershop and he wouldnt let the customer guy leave he kept grabbing him by the hair and throwing him in the chair. another time he

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